Wisconsin United We C.A.N. (Change Addiction Now) and the Menasha Public Library are excited to bring Steps of Change to their community! This free educational series brings 4 weeks of education on issues related to addiction, recovery, and prevention. Join Wisconsin CAN to hear speakers share their expertise and to gather information from area resources. The series will be presented as follows:
6/3/15: Drugs in our Community and Legal Impacts: learn what drugs are in the community and how the legal system works to decrease the use and availability. Speakers include Menasha Police Dept., Town of Menasha Police Dept., Probation and Parole
6/10/15: Treatment and Recovery: understand the treatment options available and the resources in your community. Speakers include Mooring Programs, Nova, and Valley Health
6/24/15: Addiction and the Family: recognize the impacts of addiction on all members of the family and how support can help you heal. Speakers include a family therapist and family advocates.
7/1/15: Awareness and Prevention: identify opportunities to educate your family and prevent the use of drugs or reduce the likelihood of the disease of addiction. Speakers include several prevention advocates and DARE officer.
Each session will start with a resource fair from 6:00 pm -6:30 pm followed by speakers from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Refreshments will be provided during the resource fair. Funding for this educational program is provided by an anonymous donor through the Oshkosh Community Foundation.