

The Wisconsin Addiction Recovery Helpline, powered by 211

211 Wisconsin is a statewide resource for finding substance use treatment and recovery services.

The helpline is free, confidential and available 24/7.

Our trained resource specialists will help you understand your treatment and support options. New in 2020 is the Helpline’s partnership with the ED2 Recovery Program and the Coulee Recovery Center. The partnership makes it easier for Helpline callers to directly connect to a Recovery Coach. Ongoing and free recovery coaching is available to some callers.


To connect callers who have a history or are currently struggling with opioid substance abuse disorder directly to a Recovery Coach from a 211 operator. To decrease the chance that someone who is searching for resources and help are provided that services and not lost in the transition.

211 Recovery Coach Warm Line Program


To connect each call with a Recovery Coach in their area. If there isn't a Recovery Coach in the caller's area, to set them up with a Coulee Recovery Center Recovery Coach virtually or by phone.



A person looking for opioid or stimulant recovery resources calls 211.


If they would like to talk to peer support, 211 transfers them to the ED2Recovery+ hub.


If continued peer support is requested the hub or a closer ED2Recovery+ organization provides it.

Community Partners

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“I just wanted to express how great this program is. I would like you to know that more than once I have been whole heartedly thanked for being a person in recovery who can understand what they are talking about. Also the family members thank me because they feel hopeful that recovery is possible. This has been so rewarding. I hope this program continues.”
Helpline Coach